
Journeys of Paul in Turkiye | Oct. 30, 2025

11 days
Starting from $3698* Taxes & Fees Apply

Join us on Journeys of Paul in Turkiye, starting at $3,998* from New York, on October 30, 2025. On this tour, you will see the sights in Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pisidia, Colossae, Philadelphia, Ephesus, Troy, and many more! 

Register Early and Save
$150 Register by November 30, 2024
$125 Register by December 30, 2024
$100 Register by January 30, 2025
$75 Register by February 28, 2025
$50 Register by March 30, 2025
$25 Register by April 30, 2025
Full deposit required. Savings are deducted from the balance.

What’s Included

  • All Inclusive Pricing
  • Breakfast and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches
  • Entrance and Program Fees
  • First Class Hotels
  • Fuel Surcharges and Gov't Taxes
  • Guided Tours
  • Hotel Gratuities
  • International Airfare from NY
  • Overseas Airport Transfers
  • Administrative Fee

^ Additional Baggage & Optional fees may apply.

† If air purchased through EO.

Daily Itinerary

Day 1 October 30 – Depart the USA

Your pilgrimage begins as you board your international flight for Istanbul.

Day 2 October 31 – Arrive in Turkiye

Upon arrival, you will be met by our airport representative. Transfer to your hotel in Istanbul for dinner and overnight. 

Day 3 November 1 – Istanbul

The bejeweled capital of Istanbul sits between two continents and is home to 450 mosques. You will visit the famous Blue Mosque with its six minarets and sparkling interior. Walk through Hagia Sophia, which was the largest church in Christendom for 1,000 years, built by Justinian (532-537 AD). The church has 107 columns, fossil-embedded white marble floors, and beautiful glass mosaics. Enjoy the aroma of cinnamon, cloves, thyme, and other exotic spices as you explore the Grand Bazaar. Over 4,000 shops sell everything from herbs to gold. This afternoon, you will fly to Cappadocia.

Day 4 November 2 – Cappadocia

Explore Cappadocia and discover that, even today, people make their homes in the cliffs and rock cones of Cappadocia. It is estimated that over 3,000 rock churches exist in the region. You will visit the Rock Chapels of Goreme, the Cave Village of Avcilar, and the Monastic Complex of Zelve. Walk through the underground city of Ozkonak.

Day 5 November 3 – Antioch in Pisidia

Stop at the Sultanhan Caravansarai, an important stop on the Silk Road from China. Arrive in Pisidian Antioch, the site of Paul’s first recorded speech. Paul delivered it in the synagogue among His fellow Jews. He spoke of the wonders God had done throughout Israel’s history that led to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Acts 13:14-52). The Jews were outraged at this. Paul and Barnabas were expelled from the city, but not before the Gentiles in Antioch heard the Gospel and were persuaded that it is indeed the truth that leads to Life Eternal. These believers then established the first-ever fully Gentile Christian community. 

Day 6 November 4 – Colossae, Hierapolis & Laodicea

Famous as the receiver of Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, the town of Colossae has fallen into obscurity. While you can still see traces of the theatre, the Necropolis and the Church, the ancient city is mostly indistinguishable ruins. Hierapolis is blessed by hot mineral springs and some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in Asia Minor. Paul mentions Hierapolis in his Letter to the Colossians in saluting Epaphras, a fellow laborer, for his love of the brethren there (Colossians 4:13). The ruins cover more than a mile. You will see the impressive amphitheatre with seats still in perfect condition. You will see the city gates, column-lined streets and arches, which have stood through time and earthquakes. Today, the area is known as Pamukkale, meaning “Cotton Castle,” named for the limestone-laden hot springs, which cascade from one white-edged terrace pool to the next. The Christians of Laodicea, one of the Seven Churches (Rev. 3:14-22), were chastised for being lukewarm, “You are neither cold nor hot” (Rev. 3:15), and for being too comfortable incorporating pagan and Christian beliefs. In the famous scripture from Revelation (3:20-21), Jesus says to the Laodicean church: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock . . .” Today, there are many acres of ruins to see, including the stadium and columned streets.

Day 7 November 5 – Philadelphia, Sardis, & Izmir

Visit the site of Philadelphia, also one of the Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 3:7-13). Christ told those who overcame that He would write upon them “the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem.” (Rev. 3:12) Today, not much is left to mark the spot. You will see an ancient wall and the remains of a Byzantine basilica. Travel to Sardis, another of the Seven Churches of Revelation. You will be impressed by the massive scale of the Temple of Artemis, the white marble Royal Road, the gymnasium, and the synagogue. The third-largest city in modern Turkiye is Izmir, long a center for Jewish and Christian communities. In Paul’s day, the town was known as Smyrna. It was one of the Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 2:8-11). You will see the agora, the colonnaded commercial center where Roman statues can still be seen. 

Day 8 November 6 – Ephesus

Ephesus is one of the Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 1:11). In ancient days, Ephesus was a bustling port town of 250,000, graced with wide, colonnade-bordered streets. Today, you will be impressed with the spectacular excavations of the major streets of ancient Ephesus. You will view the library and the huge agora. The Temple of Artemis was declared one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Today, only a single column remains to mark the site. You will visit the Basilica of St. John, the traditional site of his grave. From the basilica, enjoy a commanding view of the area. You will visit the Museum of Ephesus for an up-close look at artifacts from the ancient city. You will have time to explore this powerful city on your own and retrace some of the footsteps of Paul. 

Day 9 November 7 – Pergamum & Troas

Pergamum was another of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation (Rev. 2:12). It displeased the Lord because it tolerated the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which Christ hated (Rev. 2:13-17). The fabled acropolis towers 1,000 feet above the town and commands a spectacular panorama. As you pass through the Royal Gates, you will enter one of the great centers of classic Greek culture. You will see the foundations of the Temple of Zeus, the Temple of Athena, and the ruins of the library, which once held 200,000 parchment volumes. You will see the remains of the Temple of Trajan, the Grand Theatre, the gymnasium, and the health center (Aesclepion).  Not far away is Troas. Here, on his second missionary journey, Paul had a vision that he was called to Macedonia (Acts 16:8-13). Later, during his third journey, Paul spent a week in Troas preaching. On one occasion, he also resurrected Eutychus, who fell to his death from a window while sleeping (Acts 20:6-12).

Day 10 November 8 – Troy & the Dardanelles

In Troy, history is buried in myth and mud. Nine layers of the fabled city have been excavated. Homer’s Iliad relates the legendary story of the Trojan War. Travel to Istanbul via the beautiful Dardanelles.

Day 11 November 9 – Return to the USA or enjoy the Nicaea Extension

Continue with the Nicaea Extension or return to the USA.

Enhance Your Journey

Istanbul & Nicaea Extension Starting from $648

November 9 - 11, 2025 | Starting at $648*

November 9 – Istanbul
Begin your exploration of Istanbul with an enjoyable two-hour Bosphorus Cruise. You will glide beneath some of the city’s famous bridges and sail past some of Istanbul’s more colorful neighborhoods and peaceful suburbs. Your boat will take you past castles and quaint fishing villages.  Later, you will visit the eastern or Asian part of Istanbul. You will see the Byzantine city walls, the Golden Horn, and the world-famous mosaics of the Kariye Church.

November 10 – Nicaea
Today, you will visit the lakeside town of Iznik, known in Byzantine times as Nicaea and the site of two ecumenical church councils. The ancient name is associated with the Nicene Creed, which many Christians can recite from memory. You will see the ancient walls and sites associated with the town’s Christian heritage: the ruins of the Basilica of St. Sophia, the Baptistry, and the Christian Tombs on the outskirts of town.

November 11 – Return to the USA

Guests taking an extension may be on a different flight than their group and/or traveling companion.

*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions.

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Departure Dates

  1. Thursday, October 30, 2025
    From $3698* Register Now!
*3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions.