
Holy Land with Rev. Drew Nix & Rev. Gary Mahathey | Jan. 13, 2025

11 days
The Holy Land
Starting from $3798* Taxes & Fees Apply

Join Rev. Drew Nix & Rev. Gary Mahathey on a Holy Land tour starting at $3,798* from New York. You will see Qasr el Yahud, Jericho, Qumran, Herodion, Bethlehem, the Church of the Nativity, Shepherds’ Field, the Walled Off Hotel, Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Tel Megiddo, Capernaum, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Church of the Loaves and Fish in Tabgha, the Chapel of the Primacy, Magdala, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Golan Heights, Bethsaida, and much more!

Register Early & Save
$150 Register by February 13, 2024
$125 Register by March 13, 2024
$100 Register by April 13, 2024
$75 Register by May 13, 2024
$50 Register by June 13, 2024
$25 Register by July 13, 2024
Full deposit required. Savings are deducted from the balance.

What’s Included

  • All Inclusive Pricing
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches
  • Entrance and Program Fees
  • First Class Hotels
  • Fuel Surcharges and Gov't Taxes
  • Guided Tours
  • Hotel Gratuities
  • International Airfare from NY
  • Live Audio Headsets
  • Overseas Airport Transfers
  • Study Guide
  • Administrative Fee

^ Additional Baggage & Optional fees may apply.

† If air purchased through EO.

Daily Itinerary

Day 1 January 13 - USA to the Holy Land

Your journey begins as you depart the USA.

Day 2 January 14 - Welcome to the Holy Land

Arrive in Tel Aviv and transfer to Bethlehem for dinner and overnight.

Day 3 January 15 - Jericho and Qumran

Visit the baptismal site of Qasr el Yahud, where tradition says Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Travel to Jericho (the oldest city in the world) and visit the ruins of the ancient city conquered by Joshua (Joshua 6:1, 2 & 20). In the distance, you can see the traditional site of the Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11). Continue to Qumran, the site of the Dead Sea Scroll discovery. End your day with the opportunity to take a dip in the mineral-laden waters of the Dead Sea.

Day 4 January 16 - Herodion and Bethlehem

Explore one of the most exciting archeological digs in Israel, the Herodion, the palace-fortress and final resting place of Herod the Great. In Bethlehem, visit the cave where Jesus was born (Luke 2:1-7) and the Church of the Nativity. Gaze out over Shepherds’ Field, where angels first proclaimed the Good News. Visit the Walled Off Hotel and enjoy drinks and a tour. 

Day 5 January 17- Caesarea, Mount Carmel and Tel Megiddo

Visit the Roman aqueduct and theatre at Caesarea, a center of early Christianity and where Paul was imprisoned for two years (Acts 10). View Mount Carmel, the site of Elijah’s victory over the prophets of Baal (I Kings 18). Travel the ancient caravan route through the Jezreel Valley to Tel Megiddo, an exciting archeological dig with layers of twenty different cities built on top of each other. 

Day 6 January 18 - The Galilee

Enjoy a scenic drive to Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ ministry in the Galilee (Matt. 4:13, 23). On the Mount of Beatitudes, contemplate the text of the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus preached there (Matt. 5-7).  Experience a special onboard worship service as you sail across the Sea of Galilee. Visit the Church of the Loaves and Fish in Tabgha, the traditional location of the feeding of the 5,000 (Luke 9:10-17). As you pray in the Chapel of the Primacy, remember how Peter professed his devotion to the risen Christ three times (John 21). In Magdala, once home to Mary Magdalene, visit a recently discovered first-century synagogue.

Day 7 January 19 - Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Golan Heights & Bethsaida

At the ruins of Tel Dan, see the altar built by King Jeroboam I (I Kings 12:25-30) and learn about where the “House of David” fragment from the First Temple Period was discovered. Continue on to Caesarea Philippi, where Peter told the Lord, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God!” (Matt. 16: 16). A scenic drive along the Golan Heights will give you some beautiful views of Syria and Jordan as well as Israel.

Day 8 January 20 - Cana, Nazareth, Samaria and Jacob’s Well

Begin your day with a visit to Cana, the site of Christ’s first miracle (John 2) before stopping in Nazareth, Jesus’ boyhood home (Matthew 2:23). Continue past Tel Dothan, thought to be the place where Joseph found his brothers with their flocks (Genesis 37). Visit Samaria, the capital of the Northern Kingdom and home to Ahab and Jezebel. See Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim where the Israelites recited the blessings and curses of the Law. In modern-day Nablus (ancient Shechem), see where the Samaritan woman encountered Christ (John 4) at Jacob’s Well.

Day 9 January 21 - Jerusalem

Visit Pater Noster Church where the Lord’s Prayer is commemorated in various languages. Stand on the Mount of Olives and enjoy a remarkable view of the Golden City of Jerusalem. Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven from this place (Acts 1:9-12). Walk to the Garden of Gethsemane and pray beneath the ancient olive trees (Matthew 26:36-44). Continue from Mount Zion to Ein Karem, to spend time at the Church of the Visitation, where Mary came to meet Elizabeth to share the Good News.

Day 10 January 22 - Jerusalem

This morning, walk through the City of David Excavations and see the entrance to Hezekiah’s Tunnel. Enjoy a walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem along the Cardo, once the main street of the city. Explore the Davidson Center and the Southern Wall Excavations, including the Teaching Steps and the Western Wall (Wailing Wall). Remember how Jesus healed on the Sabbath when you visit the Pool of Bethesda (John 5: 1 -18). At Herod’s Antonia Fortress (Luke 23:1), see where Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate. Walk the Via Dolorosa (“the Way of the Cross”) and remember the Lord’s sacrificial love at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Enjoy time on your own in the Old City before gathering back together to head to share communion together at the Garden Tomb in celebration of His Resurrection.

Day 11 January 23 - Return to the USA

Return to the USA
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Departure Dates

*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions