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Celebrations in the Holy Land: Bethlehem | Dec. 10, 2024

8 days
The Holy Land
Starting from $2898* Taxes & Fees Apply

Join us for Celebrations in the Holy Land: Bethlehem starting at $2,898* from New York on December 10, 2024. You will see Tel Aviv, a market tour, a walking tour of Neve Tzedek, Rothschild Blvd, Emek Tzurim, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, the Pool of Siloam, the Pilgrim Road, the Temple Walls, the Western Wall Tunnels, the Church of the Nativity, Shepherds’ Field, Bedouin camp, the Church of the Loaves and Fish at Tabgha, the Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Magdala, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, Bethesda, and much more!

What’s Included

  • All Inclusive Pricing
  • Breakfast and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches
  • Entrance and Program Fees
  • First Class Hotels
  • Fuel Surcharges and Gov't Taxes
  • Guided Tours
  • International Airfare from NY
  • Administrative Fee

^ Additional Baggage & Optional fees may apply.

Daily Itinerary


Depart the USA


Arrive and transfer to your hotel


Tour Tel Aviv, a wealth of discoveries, both contemporary and ancient! Meaning ‘Hill of Spring,’ today’s Tel Aviv lives up to its name. It offers a well-spring of creativity, dazzling spectacles, shimmering skyscrapers, delicious food, and something new around every corner! No wonder it’s known as the Manhattan of the Mediterranean! Enjoy a market tour and a walking tour of Neve Tzedek and Rothschild Blvd.


Take hold of history, quite literally, at Emek Tzurim, where you get to be the archaeologist! Arrowheads, coins, mosaic pieces, and more have been found at the dig site. What could you uncover?! Wander through the excavations of the City of David. Explore Hezekiah’s Tunnel, an amazing engineering feat that was dug from both ends and met in the middle! (Note: Those who are claustrophobic may want to meet the group at the other end of the tunnel!). Visit the Pool of Siloam, recently uncovered at the foot of the city. Walk the Pilgrim Road before arriving at the Temple Walls. Experience traveling back in time in the Western Wall Tunnels, where foundation stones and other stonework survive from the Second Temple!


Explore the Church of the Nativity, built around 326 AD. Throughout the millennia, its façade has changed from the original cave where Jesus was born to the Crusader design visitors see today. East of the city lies the traditional location for Shepherds’ Field, where angels appeared to a simple herdsman “keeping watch o’er their flocks by night.” Even today, shepherds lead their flocks to this area for grazing. Visit a local Bedouin camp and learn about the ancient nomadic tribes that settled the region. Enjoy their rich hospitality and delicious meals. This is a remarkable chance to contemplate the life and faith of the patriarchs, like Abraham and Moses. Gather back together in the evening for an exquisite banquet in Bethlehem!


Explore the Church of the Loaves and Fish at Tabgha, the traditional site of the feeding of the 5,000 (Luke 9:10). On the Mount of Beatitudes, contemplate the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matt. 5-7). Visit Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ ministry in the Galilee, and visit the synagogue built on the site where Jesus taught (Matt.4:13, 23). Cross the waters of the Sea of Galilee on a very special boat ride, complete with an onboard worship service. In Magdala, once home to Mary Magdalene, visit a recently discovered firstcentury synagogue.


Stand atop the Mount of Olives as Jesus did and enjoy a remarkable view of the “Golden City” of Jerusalem. Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives. Pray in the Garden of Gethsemane among olive trees in the Kidron Valley across from the walls of Jerusalem. View the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus performed the Sabbath miracle. Sing a hymn in the Church of St. Anne, known for its amazing acoustics. Visit Herod’s Antonia Fortress, where Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate. Walk the Via Dolorosa, “the Way of the Cross,” and stand in reverence at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Your final destination allows time for reflection at the Garden Tomb.


Return to the USA.

Enhance Your Journey

Greece Pre Tour Starting from $1298

For the believer in Christ, Greece is an important journey marker. Follow the Apostle Paul’s footsteps and enjoy renewing spiritual experiences in this beautiful Mediterranean country. Experience delicious food, dazzling coastal sights, world-changing history, and important Christian heritage on this Greece Pre-Tour!   

December 5 - 11, 2024  Starting at $1298

 Dec. 5 | Departure 
Depart the USA on your international flight to Greece.    

Dec. 6 | Arrive in Thessaloniki 
Arrive in Thessaloniki and transfer to your hotel.   Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki.    

Dec. 7 | Amphipolis, Philippi, Neapolis 
Follow the apostles’ footsteps and visit Amphipolis, a major stop along the Via Egnatia. Continue to Philippi, which hosted the first European conversion story. Told in Acts 16, Lydia, a seller of purple goods, heard and believed the Gospel as presented to her by Paul. View the Roman-era crypt thought to have served as a prison for the Apostle Paul. Explore Philippi’s famous Acropolis, Market Place, the Basilica of Paul, and Theater. Then visit nearby Neapolis, which once served as a port city for ancient Philippi. Paul and Silas landed here twice during their journeys.   Breakfast, Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki.    

Dec. 8 | Veria & Thessaloniki 
Tour two cities whose faiths were compared in Acts 17. Veria (Berea) held Christians of noble faith who examined the Scriptures daily. This quaint foothill city was once one of the most important cities in ancient Macedon. Though initially full of animosity towards the Gospel, Thessaloniki’s church body received two of Paul’s letters. These days, visitors can see St. George’s Basilica, built over the traditional location of the synagogue where Paul once preached. Along the Via Egnatia stands the Galerius Arch, built to commemorate the Roman emperor’s visit to the city. Neapolis also holds St. Sophia and St. Demetrios, basilicas erected in honor of early martyrs.    Breakfast, Dinner and overnight in Kalambaka.     

Dec. 9 | Delphi & Meteora  
Journey to Delphi, the religious center of ancient Greeks. Ancient Greeks were so devoted to its lore that they marked the city with a conical stone, representing a navel and displaying what they believed to be the earth’s center. Nearby, the sacred Via Egnatia leads to the Athenian Treasury, the Theater, and the Temple of Apollo. With so many pagan ruins in the area, it’s easy to relate to Paul’s missionary challenges in Macedonia. Travel to the heavenly countryside of Meteora. Paul trekked this rough terrain that later became home to the clifftop monasteries seen today. 13th-century monks sought refuge in cliffside caves before looking to higher ground for sanctuary.    Breakfast, Dinner and overnight in Athens.     

Dec. 10 | Athens & Corinth 
Enjoy the rich architectural splendor of ancient Athens, including the world-renowned Acropolis, the Propylaea, the Parthenon, and the Erectheum.  Stand on Mars Hill as the Apostle Paul did. Stroll the Agora, the ancient marketplace, and center of Athenian public life. See the House of Parliament, the Presidential Palace, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then journey to Corinth, where the Apostle Paul met fellow tentmakers Aquilla and Priscilla. Crispus (chief ruler of the synagogue) and many other Corinthians believed, were baptized, and established the church at Corinth, to whom Paul later wrote two letters. Discover the Archaeological Museum, Market Place, and Temples. Stand on the Bema, where the Apostle Paul stood before Gallio to face charges brought against him by the Jews.  Breakfast, Dinner and overnight in Athens.   

Dec. 11 | Join Main Group 
Fly out of Athens and join many other EO guests for Celebrations in the Holy Land!  Breakfast, Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.   

Guests taking an extension may be on a different flight than their group and/or traveling companion.
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions.


SAUDIA ARABIA & JORDAN Pre-Tour Starting from $3998

December 2 - 11, 2024 Starting at $3,998*

Dec. 2 | Depart the US
Depart the USA on your international flight to Saudi Arabia.   

Dec. 3 | Arrive to Jeddah
Celebrate your arrival in the Kingdom with sunset drinks on the city’s attractive corniche. Spread out your carpet and your ‘takwa’, the smart Saudi picnic seat. Join the locals when the sun sets, the call for prayer sounds and the world's tallest fountain comes to life in front of the beach walk (if time permits). Complete your first day in Saudi Arabia with a welcome dinner. Overnight in Jeddah.

Dec. 4 | Jeddah & Medina
Start the day working on the Saudi bigger picture in the Tayebat Museum to gain background about Islam, Saudi Arabia, and Jeddah. The Tayebat museum is ideal for this, consisting of real-live, real-size examples of Saudi and especially Jeddahwi building styles, everyday tools and utensils, art, and of course details about the Two Holy Cities; Mecca and Medina. which makes a good base for a first talk about Islam. After visiting a selection of what is on display, let’s head out into the real Saudi! Time to visit Jeddah’s atmospheric old town, Al Balad, which achieved UNESCO World Heritage status in 2014. Its traditional multi-story buildings and merchant houses are an architectural treasure trove. It is a dive back in time with the buzz of trading, pilgrims shopping, and the occasional tourist mixed in. The Roshan or wooden window covers are the ancient way to create shade and cool in this hot and humid climate, and they make these alleys especially picturesque. Bring your lunch box and board the Haramain, Saudi Arabia’s state-of-the-art high-speed train system, which makes it a short (under two hours) hop to Medina, one of Islam’s holiest pilgrimage sites. Medina is centered around Al Masjid an Nabawi, also known as the Prophet’s Mosque, which was constructed by the Prophet himself and is also where he is buried. For a showstopping finale to a remarkable day, experience exterior views of the wonder of the Prophet’s Mosque: a 10-minaret giant that can accommodate one million people. Non-muslims are welcome to enjoy exterior views of the mosque from the edge of the square. Round out the time in Medina with some browsing time at the city’s central market. When the sun sinks it is a great time to visit Mount Uhud, one of the pilgrimage sites, and viewpoint across the Holy City. Overnight in Medina.

Dec. 5 | Travel to AlUla
A fascinating road trip from Medina via Khaybar to AlUla, home to Hegra Saudi Arabia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site, awaits. These destinations sit deep in the desert in the northwestern region of the country. Don’t expect only sand dunes, this is a volcanic area with black lava stone and mountain vistas and rich in historical significance. Before the rise of Islam in the 7th century, the Khaybar region was inhabited by Arabian Jewish tribes. In 628 AD, Muslims under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad took over the city during the Battle of Khaybar. Visit the remains of the mud city situated in a steep wadi or valley, with its several fortresses towering over thousands of green palm trees. The area has been recently reopened after renovations. Arrive in AlUla before the sun sets and visit the famous Elephant Rock. Set in desert sands and climbing into the blue Arabian skies, the rock (also known as Jabal Alfil) is one of AlUla’s most impressive geological marvels. Overnight in AlUla 

Dec. 6 | AlUla
The draw to AlUla is its remarkable natural rock formations and canyons, extensive and varied pre-Arabic rock art, and immaculately preserved tombs built more than 2,000 years ago by the Nabataeans. You’ll start the day with a visit to the Nabataean site of Hegra, which was the southern capital of the Nabataean kingdom, dating back to the first century BCE. Today, visitors follow their ‘rawee’ or storyteller, to explore several of the more than 100 well-preserved monumental tombs, most with elaborate facades carved from rock formations scattered around the desert. Next, head for the green zone that is AlUla oasis, and enjoy a cup of coffee at The Pink Camel, situated beautifully amid the date farms. Take a stroll where lush palm trees sway gently and the smell of citrus fills the fresh air, adding to the oasis-feeling that AlUla still retains. Follow the winding, shaded Oasis Heritage Trail through the orange grove, hear birds and imagine how the nomads of the past found water and refuge from the desert here. Exit the lush oasis at AlJadeeda, an area known also as ‘Art City’ which has a colorful vibe with street art and art exhibits spread out in its walking streets. Continue exploring AlUla historic city, often called ‘the Old Town,’ a charismatic place that once sat at the crossroads of the Silk Road and the Incense Route, and that rewards a leisurely stroll. Recent renovations have turned it into a magical mix of ancient alleys and trendy restaurants and upmarket souvenirs shops. The remaining afternoon is at leisure. Enjoy the facilities of the hotel or continue your exploration of AlUla’s landscapes with an optional activity: to name a few; see the sandstone mountains from above in a helicopter or hot air balloon (in season), hop on a mountain bike and venture off the beaten path into desert dunes or climb the valley’s edge to better soak in AlUla’s expansive vistas. Overnight in AlUla

Dec. 7 | Wadi Disah to Tabuk
Enjoy a leisurely start in your hotel before a midmorning departure towards the north, to Wadi Disah. Loosely translated as the Valley of the Palm Trees, Wadi Disah is one of Saudi Arabia’s most spectacular natural attractions. The beautiful valley is characterized by mountain forms and tall rocky columns in various colors, as well as freshwater springs which create a real oasis feeling. Due to the presence of fresh water, the site has been inhabited for centuries and is well known for its dates and mango. Lunch is served under the fruit trees on a farm where more will be learned about agriculture in this arid climate. Hop in a 4x4 for an off road adventure through the lush vegetation and through the stream winding its way between the towering walls. There are several archaeological sites such as facades of Nabataean tombs, and the remains of walls containing Nabataean and Arabic writings in Kufic script. For those fancying a stroll, step out and walk for a bit, enjoy the birds singing and once it's enough, the jeep is soon with you. Continue to Tabuk, the gateway to Saudi Arabia’s northwest including NEOM, has long been a resting point for Jordanian and Egyptian pilgrims on their way south to Mecca and Medina. Life moves slowly here as you will feel wandering along the main street, checking out the ‘smach’ shops (Saudi headwear for men) and the all-purpose stores selling anything a bedouin needs in the desert. The small fort sits at the top of the street and houses a museum. Overnight in Tabuk.

Dec. 8 | Cross to Jordan
Today is for discovering a part of the region that is currently called NEOM. Much hyped in the media, this area is 10 times as big as the Australian Capital Territory and where giga projects such as ‘The Line’ and ‘Trojan’ are being crafted out of the desert landscape. Travelers have been passing through here for centuries and you’ll also explore the historical remnants of their presence in the region. Approaching the Seham Bay, there are more traces of human adventures. The ‘Katharinas Seaplane’ lay forgotten on the sand after the German adventurers' family was forced to abandon it, and their voyage, for failing to produce proper documents to enter the country. The NEOM project starts to make its mark. It's amazing to see high-tech public toilets popping up in the middle of nowhere. This is the location where The Line, a future linear city of 9 million will arise. Following the beautiful coastline, reaching ‘Musa’s Spring’ in a small park-like oasis next to the roadside. This is said to be the spring of Moses. A unique opportunity to take your shoes off and wade into the refreshing waters. The Red Sea reveals itself near the town of Maqwa and legend has it that it was in this vicinity that Moses and his flock arrived back on land after parting the sea. In any case, it is easy to envision a miracle, looking at how the sheer cliffs of Tayib Ism seem to have parted, leaving a narrow path into the mountain. It’s the perfect opportunity for a contemplative walk to soak up the atmosphere and ponder on the significance of past events and how they still bear an influence on the belief systems that influence many people's lives to this day. Continue our northern journey towards the Durra Border. Upon completing the necessary procedures, you will be warmly welcomed into Jordan. From there, proceed with the transfer to the charming town of Aqaba. Overnight in Aqaba.

Dec. 9 | Wadi Rum
Enjoy breakfast at Wadi Rum in a Bedouin tent and experience the Wadi while enjoying a 4 x 4 ride. Check into your hotel in Petra for dinner and overnight. (B, D)

Dec. 10 | Petra
Spend the day exploring the city of Petra. Its entrance passes through a long, narrow gorge known as the Siq and can only be accessed by carriage, horseback or on foot. Once inside the city, marvel at the intricate detail of a city that was cut into the cliffsides of rose-colored rock. Travel to the Dead Sea for dinner and overnight.

Dec. 11 | Cross to Israel & Meet your Group!
Enjoy a morning at leisure at the Dead Sea. Cross the Allenby Bridge to Israel and settle in your hotel in Bethlehem.

Guests taking an extension may be on a different flight than their group and/or traveling companion.
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions.

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Departure Dates

  1. Tuesday, December 10, 2024
    From $2898* Register Now!
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions