Lester and Janeese Spencer
Dr. Lester Spencer is Lead Pastor at St. James Church in Montgomery, AL (until September 1, 2023) and is also President Pro Tem of the Alabama Emerald Coast Conference of the GMC. Lester also served other large churches in AL and FL after earning degrees at Auburn University and Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Lester has served or currently serves as President and on the Board of Directors of various ministry and mission organizations and has traveled extensively around the world.
Janeese Spencer is the CEO and Founder of Venture Life Coaching. She is an Executive Director with The John Maxwell Team as well as an ordained deacon (soon to be elder) in the GMC. She has over 30 years of experience speaking at conferences and retreats around the southeast. Janeese also writes and teaches Bible studies.
Lester and Janeese, have been married over 30 years and have 3 children and a son-in-law.
We do not currently have any tours for Lester and Janeese Spencer.